Team Ayres
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Like I mentioned, we finished our 70th tournament, and because now we were just going to be fishing and camping just for the fun of it, we decided to sell our tournament boat, and just go back to our Lund we used in the past. We kept the little neglected boat while we fished the big waters from Henderson Harbor New York, to Lake of the Woods Minnesota. We listed our Skeeter on several web pages and word of mouth. We had lots of interested anglers, but none of them willing to sign on the dotted line. We kept praying the right people would come along. We loved our boat, it had served us well in all kinds of weather and water conditions. Then the day came with the email asking about it, and the people weren't from ND, or Canada, or MN or the various other states, but they were from good old Michigan. Yipee. They came, they saw, and they conquered! Yup, the boat lives on with another couple, it sat in its garage with 2 tanks full of gas and just waiting to hit the water, and now it was like a colt the first day of spring; raring to go. Good bye Skeeter, we loved you, and so will Ed ands Amanda!